How to migrate from Joomla to WordPress en 15 minutes

 WordPress is the tool of choice for creating and managing blogs and websites in general. The same features of this CMS and easy way we can personalize it allows us to do anything with it.

Joomla is a widely used tool, but more complex, so many users have decided to migrate from Joomla to WordPress and have a blog easier to handle. The migration process, as we mentioned in previous articles, is equal and has virtually the same process.

How do I start the migration?

The first thing to do is find a good hosting for WordPress, in my experience are Bluehost recommendations, and Hostagor Banahosting. Once you have created an account we will install WordPress in the hosting, this is quick and takes only 5 minutes!

By default our blog comes with no plugins except for Akismet, and to migrate our content to Joomla to WordPress plugin must install the "FG Joomla to WordPress" that you can transfer images, post, tags, etc.

Features of the plugin:

  • Joomla sections and categories are transferred
  • Migra categories as subcategories
  • Transfer links from Joomla
  • Spend keywords (keywords) as labels
  • Maintains image attributes such as ALT.

Once the plugin is installed, go to "Tools" and "Import", here we click on "Joomla FG". Then you must fill out the information of your Joomla site URL and information as the database.

Also remember that you must select the "Force Media Import" option to migrate the images you have in Joomla to WordPress, click on the import button and go.

If all correct, you will see a message as shown in the following screenshot:

Always remember to modify the internal links by clicking on the "Modify Internal links" option

Ready! You've finally managed to migrate your site to WordPress Joomla!

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