Genesis for WordPress - Why this issue is so fashionable ? 
Are changes maintained in your theme when you update the version? Do you know how SEO affects the loading time of your blog or website ? Does your design theme of " responsive "? Are you 100% sure ?

If you answered with a resounding YES to all three questions is likely what I will explain in this article , I know . Or maybe not .

Frameworks are a " code layer " working under a child theme. Today I will talk about one in particular which 've probably already heard that it is currently one of the most professional WordPress themes success: StudioPress Genesis framework .

This WordPress theme is the one I use on my own blog and virtues among its highlights, among other things , that your code is optimized to be very friendly to Google , its themes children (child themes ) will make you lose your fear and updates implementation in HTML5 make it a 100 % responsive design .

So who knows, after reading this post , maybe even amines you changed the subject :-)

Why everyone is talking about Genesis Framework?

The easy answer is "it has become fashionable." And it's true, it is. But do not confuse that with something that underestimate the product and its qualities, because it is not.

If you use dedicated bloggers and more people is because the three things I told you in the beginning are true, and some might say more.

However, it is not the purpose of this article to talk thoroughly Genesis Framework and all its features, but will try to explain how his famous "puzzle" works for the Home using my child theme Metro Pro as an example.

Make Your Home a puzzle widget

One of the main attractions of Genesis , because once you understand it much easier to organize and structure of your blog and is the example I will develop in the remainder of post .

We realize that in most blogs what works is a structure based on a space on the left to post content or sidebar and a side bar on the right .

But what we put in the home ? Do you fully control or you 've more or less adapted to the options that have been given your squad ?

Home we have two general options are: show the latest blog entries or specify a fixed specific show page.

This in general, because then every theme ( depending on the provider ) makes war on its own and makes you easy or difficult the making of what is displayed on the root of your domain.

Genesis Framework offers a very simple very resolute solution yet , which together with the inclusion of some plugins that allow you to have your own widgets ( I'm talking about Magic Action Box or specific plugins Genesis ) enhance this puzzle to where you get to your imagination.

Organization by widgets

This is the aspect of options around my blog, which is made with Metro Pro:

I have deployed the "Home-Top" for example, you see that within each of these "blocks of space" you can insert the widgets you want.

The "Black Studio TinyMCE" is a plugin that transforms you classic widgets "Text / HTML" in the same but with the editor's own entries, which greatly facilitates the insertion of images or write HTML and CSS code in them.

Other venues for widgets

You see, there are some spaces around then are not reflected in this image. We explain them one by one below:
  • Heading right : this space is child bring many themes and lets you put whatever you want in the top right corner of your blog. Actually , it's a space right in your header or header . In my case I use it to get a "custom menu " , sometimes it is usual to put icons of social networks .
  • Secondary Sidebar : All Genesis child themes allow you to play with the layout of your posts and pages. If you insert widgets in high bar , only appear in case you select a layout of three columns (or rather, content + 2 sidebars ) .
  • After entry : This space allows you to put what you want right after the content of a post. I do not use it because I usually put a form using Magic Action Box and then the author box , but it is interesting to put other things in there choice.
  • Footer 1, 2 and 3: little comment , are the classic spaces to put widgets in the footer . In the case of this child theme have 3 columns, but in others they may be 2 or 4 , depending.

I repeat: the room arrangement to place widgets, varies with each child theme .

International will have a special place to put the Genesis Slider or intended to be all over design in three columns.

That you have to determine seeing demos of the various child themes and how each distributes its spaces. If you want more info, you can see what factors should be taken into account when choosing a child theme of Genesis.

Should you change you Genesis Framework?

It depends on each case. Personally I would say do not change because you see more and puts more people or whim .

Analyzes whether your page load time is slow, if you have problems every time you update your theme or if indeed every cosmetic change that is a nightmare trying to do with your current template.

If you have some of these problems , it is certainly a good choice to change you.

The learning curve is minimal ( depending on your background , obviously) and once you get used to working with a framework ... I personally would not templates offered me great visuals , portfolios or countless types of Sliders . Are comprehensive , yet are complex.

In short, the improvements indicated to the top against other themes, coupled with the ease of use that gives you , make Genesis Framework one of the preferred options for making run our blog on WordPress.

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