Top 5 Free-speed Analyzers for you blog
When we recently installed our blog on WordPress, the default themes and the system is optimized as we want and we will do a great job to improve site performance, especially taking into account the type of hosting that we use, number of plugins that we have installed site template, etc..

After creating the blog with our theme, plugins, etc., we must analyze the load times and how this optimized our site. We can do speed tests on different free online services, keep records and then proceed to optimize our blog.

To measure results, we can use these free services analyzers and speed comparisons, once optimized the blog can again perform the tests and view the results. Among the free services available are: GTMetrix, Pingdom, the famous Speed ​​Service Google Insights, Page Speed ​​Tool Ninjas and service iwebtool

My recommendation is to use "WordPress Super Cache + CloudFlare" and achieve good results, can also create Gzip compression and further improve load times.

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